Terms and Conditions

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Sydney Sixers- Schools WBBL|10 Ticketing Competition


  1. The promoter is the New South Wales Cricket Association (ABN 27 000 011 987) of Cricket Central, 161 Silverwater Road, Sydney Olympic Park, New South Wales, Australia 2127 trading as the Sydney Sixers (Sixers).
  2. To contact the Sixers please call 1800 749 377.


To be eligible to enter the competition you must purchase a ticket from the link provided by your school for one of the Sydney Sixers WBBL matches on either the 1st of November or 10th of November 2024;

(Eligible Entrants).

  1. By entering this competition, you represent that you are eligible to enter.
  2. Employees of the Sixers, Cricket NSW, the management of Sixers sponsors and their immediate families associated with this competition are ineligible to enter.

(Note: Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or stepchild (whether natural or by adoption), parent, stepparent, grandparent, stepgrandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister or first cousin).


  1. The competition will commence at 9:00am AEDST on 27 September 2024 and ends as prescribed in clause 11 below (Competition Period). The Sixers reserve the right to extend the Competition Period at any time (subject to regulatory approval, if required).
  2. To enter the competition, and be eligible to win, Eligible Entrants must, during the Competition Period:
  3. Purchase a ticket from the link provided by your school for one of the Sydney Sixers WBBL matches on either the 1st of November or 10th of November 2024; and
  4. Nominate a date specified by the Sydney Sixers for the delivery of your prize.

(Eligible Registration).

  1. The competition will be advertised through Schools social pages, Newsletters and announced by staff.
  2. Sixers accept no responsibility for any registrations not received for any reason during the Competition Period. Eligible Registrations will be deemed to be accepted at the time of registration confirmation by the Sixers. No late registrations will be accepted for any reason, including, but not limited to, technical difficulties with the registration mechanism or the Competition Landing Page.
  3. Incomplete, illegible, indecipherable, or incorrect registrations or registrations containing offensive or defamatory comments, or which breach any law or infringe any third-party rights (including intellectual property rights) are invalid.
  4. Any entrant who, in the opinion of the Sixers, tampers or interferes with the registration mechanism or Competition Landing Page in any way, or who does not properly comply with the registration process, will be ineligible to win. The Sixers reserve the right to disqualify registrations in the event of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
  5. The competition will close:
  6. At 7:15pm AEDST on 1 November 2024 for matches on 1 November; and
  7. At 1:40pm AEDST on 10 November 2024 for matches on 10 November.

SELECTION OF WINNERS                                                      

  1. The prize winners will be chosen at random from the school with the highest total amount of tickets purchased associated with that school.
  2. The Prize Winners from both the 1 November and 10 November matches will be notified that they have won the Prize by email and/or telephone following the conclusion of the match on the 10th of November.
  3. In the event that any Prize Winner does not respond in the timeframe required by the Sixers, that Prize Winner will forfeit the Prize, and no substitute will be offered. `
  4. The results of the competition will be final, and binding and no correspondence will be entered into in relation to the results of the competition. The Sixers decision is final on all matters.
  5. The Prize Winner's name will be published on the website: https://www.sydneysixers.com.au


  1. If the Prize Winner does not respond within seven (7) days of being notified by the Sixers that they have won the competition, or if the Prize Winner is not readily identified and reasonable efforts made by the Sixers to identify the Prize Winner are unsuccessful, Prize Winner will automatically forfeit the Prize and the Sixers reserves the right to select another Prize Winner based on the amount of tickets purchased associated with the school.
  2. The result of any reorder of the prize winners will be final, binding and no correspondence will be entered into in relation to the results of the second selection.
  3. This process of conducting further random draws will repeat until such a time that a Prize Winner is deemed eligible to receive the Prize.


  1. By entering the competition, the Prize Winner agrees to participate in such reasonable promotional activity and material as the Sixers may require without remuneration, including photography and video content. They may also be required to supply photographs and written testimonials of their experience with the product for marketing purposes. Consent of the parent or guardian for any entrant under the age of 18 years will be obtained at the time of notification that they are the winner.
  2. The Prize Winner also consents to the use and publication of their name in any marketing material without any further reference or payment to the Prize Winner.


  1. The competition prize consists of three prizes for first, second, and third prize winners. The prizes will include (subject to any events or incidents outside of the control of the Sixers):

1st. Player appearances at the Prize Winner’s school (up to two (2) players) and Signed WBBL10 Sydney Sixers Jersey.

2nd. Signed WBBL10 Sydney Sixers Jersey.

3rd. Community Kit

  1. 8 sets of stumps
  2. 8 plastic bats
  3. 8 grey cones
  4. 32 coloured cones
  5. 18-24 plastic balls
  6. 7 scorcher balls
  7. 3 ropes
  8. All costs associated or arising in connection with participating in the competition and the Prize are the responsibility of the Prize Winner.
  9. Acceptance and use of the Prize is subject to any terms and conditions imposed by those involved in providing goods and/or services as part of or in connection with the Prize (Third Party Terms). The Prize Winner is responsible for complying with all applicable Third-Party Terms, and bears all risk associated with failure to comply with any of them. The Sixers assumes no liability (and will provide no compensation) as a result of any failure to comply with any Third-Party Terms.
  10. Subject to clause 26 below, the Prize is not exchangeable or redeemable for cash or any other prize.
  11. If the Prize, or any part of the Prize, is not available for any reason, the Sixers reserve the right to substitute the Prize, or any part of the Prize, with another item of equal or greater value if the Prize Winner agrees in writing (email sufficient) and subject to any written directions from any applicable regulatory authority. If the Prize Winner does not agree despite reasonable attempts by the Sixers to reach an agreement and the Prize is not available due to circumstances beyond the Sixers’ control, The Sixers may substitute the Prize, or any part of the Prize, with another item or items determined by the Sixers to be of equal or higher value.
  12. The Sixers will take reasonable steps to distribute the Prize to the Prize Winner prior to the conclusion of the Term 4 2024.

Note: Player appearances are subject to player availability and Sixers make no representation or warranty in relation to the identity of the players available and the Sixers reserves the right to substitute player appearances as required.



  1. Information on how to enter this competition and Prize details form part of these Terms and Conditions. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. Registration into the competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. The Sixers reserve the right to amend the competition and these Terms and Conditions at any time and for any reason, subject to regulatory approval (if required), and will notify entrants of any such amendments as soon as reasonably practicable on the Competition Landing Page. It is the entrant's responsibility to regularly check the Competition Landing Page for any amendments. Any amendments will be applied and interpreted at the sole discretion of the Sixers.
  3. If the competition is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of technical failure, fraud or any cause beyond the Sixer’s control, the Sixers may cancel or suspend the competition or invalidate any affected registrations, to the extent permitted by law.
  4. Sixers does not accept responsibility for any registrations that are delayed, or which are not received for any reason during the Competition Period.
  5. To the extent permitted by law, Sixers shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered in connection with the conduct of the competition or the redemption or use of the Prize (including but not limited to direct loss) including:
  6. technical or telecommunications problems (such as security breaches, technical website malfunctions or glitches); or
  7. acts or omissions (including negligent acts of omissions) of Sixers’ servants or agents involved in the conduct of this competition who are acting outside their authority as agent of the Sixers.
  8. All personal information collected as part of entry into this competition is handled in accordance with the Cricket NSW privacy policy available on the Cricket NSW website at https://www.cricketnsw.com.au/privacypolicy.
  9. Cricket NSW trading as the Sixers collects personal information in the course of the competition in order to conduct the competition in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and for promotional purposes. Cricket NSW may, for these purposes, disclose such information to subsidiary and related companies, third parties, including but not limited to agents, contractors, service providers, and any company with whom we are running the competition. This information may be used by Cricket NSW or disclosed to selected organisations for promotional purposes or to provide you with information about other offerings and may be stored on servers located overseas.
  10. By participating in this competition, entrants release and hold harmless the Sixers and/or Cricket NSW from any and all liability associated with this competition, to the extent permitted by law (in which case that liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law).
  11. The Sixers are not liable for any tax implications arising from the Prize, including fringe benefits tax. Independent financial advice should be sought.
  12. The laws of New South Wales apply to this competition. Entrants submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the laws of New South Wales in connection with disputes concerning the conduct of the competition or the claiming of a Prize.



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  • use the Website for any activities, or submit to or via the Website any information or materials, which breach any laws or regulations or infringe a third party's patent, trade mark, copyright or other proprietary rights or privacy;
  • publish, distribute, transmit or disseminate on the Website any material which is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, indecent, offensive, inappropriate or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
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